Medication at School

We have a medical form called ISMO (individualized student medical order) which will need to be filled out and signed by you and your student’s healthcare provider if your student is going to require medications or treatments which could be, as an example diabetes care, breathing treatments, feeding tube treatments.

If we do not have the ISMO then the clinical staff are not allowed to give that students medication until an ISMO is brought in filled out by you and your student’s health care provider.

Medications should be administered by school nurses or other non-medical school personnel designated by the school principal. Any student who is required to take medication during the regular school day must comply with the following regulations:

  • A written permission form for both prescription and over-the-counter medications will be provided to the school by the School Health Program Office upon request. This form must be completed and signed by both the parent(s) and child’s licensed healthcare provider.
  • A new permission form must be provided to the school at the beginning of each new school year. The permission form must be updated by the student’s licensed healthcare provider when there is a change in dosage or time of medication.
  • Medication must be brought to the elementary school office by a parent or guardian in the original bottle and refilled in like manner, and labeled with the student’s name. No medication is to be taken to or from school by the elementary student.
  • Middle and secondary school students are permitted to bring medication to school provided it is taken to the designated school personnel immediately upon the student’s arrival at school.
  • School personnel will administer or dispense, as appropriate, all medications whether prescription or over-the-counter. The school nurse will provide instruction on the proper administration of medication to school faculty.
  • All medication will be kept in locked storage boxes that are available, or in acceptable secure locked locations in school.
  • Any unused medication must be picked up by parent or legal guardian at the end of the school year. Unused medication that is not picked up on or before the last day of school or medication that has expired, will be properly disposed of by the school.
  • School nurses will monitor storage and proper documentation of medications administered, on a regular basis, to insure that medications are handled properly.
    All medications administered will be given in accordance with the above guidelines.
  • Prescribed emergency medications to address life-threatening situations must be readily accessible to the student at all times. These may be in the student’s possession or in a designated location as is appropriate to the situation (field trips, etc.) Examples of these medications include but are not necessarily limited to: asthma inhalers, Epi-pens, glucose tablets, glucagon injection, Benadryl, and others.
  • The school system retains the right to reject requests for administering medication that is not in compliance with the above guidelines.