Hello My Name Is...
Mr. Whiteside
6th Grade Math
<This is Mr. Tarrell Whiteside and he teaches 6th grade math. He is a native of Chattanooga, where he graduated from The McCallie School. He attended Auburn University and the University of Tennessee at Chattanooga, where he received a BSE in Industrial Engineering in 2004. He began his teaching career in the fall 2020. He completed his teaching certification classes in 2021, as a member of Hamilton County Department of Education's first Grow Your Own(GYO) Cohort, and received his Master of Education degree in 2022, both from Lipscomb University. This will be his 9th year with Hamilton County Department of Education. He joined HCDE in the fall 2015 and has served as a Permanent Sub, an In-School Suspension Monitor and a Behavioral Management Specialist prior to teaching math. Fact about Mr. Whiteside, he was an engineer prior to joining HCDE. >